Thursday, June 5, 2008


First - Gotta love Boston at -2.5. Boston can will themselves to win this series. Here's how I think it will play out:

Game 1 - 91-84 Boston, Boston plays sick defense at home
Game 2 - 107-94 LA, LA plays liquid offense
Game 3 - 113-107 LA, Tight game with Kobe killing it in the 4th
Game 4 - 92-90 Boston, Ray Allen comes up big and comes from behind in the 4th quarter to win
Game 5 - 95-84 Boston, Big game with momentum going with Boston, sick bench play
Game 6 - 104-82 LA, LA blows them out
Game 7 - ? - 93-91

So if you dont know about my situation, I'll spell it out. I have a fairly substantial criminal history dating from about 1998-2003. When I applied to law school, I didn't disclose my criminal arrests or the fact that I had been suspended from UDel for a year. I basically wanted to get into law school no matter what and I thought I could finagle my way into an expungement. I totally forgot about the lie until March when I requested a copy of my law school application. At that point I not only was prepared to take the Delaware bar but I had a job doing criminal defense contract work and was going to sit second chair at a death penalty trial in November. 

Once I learned of the inconsistency, I called an attorney to figure out what to do. He said disclose. The thought of committing professional suicide was scary. After a while though, I realized that if I had perpetuated the fraud and the Board of Bar Examiners knew I didn't correct it, I was fucked anyway. What good is a J.D without being able to get through character and fitness? I eventually decided to disclose, and I sent the dean of our school a pretty shocking transgression.

I learned approximately a week ago that the school will not issue me a J.D until 2010, and only then after proof of good character and an interest in the legal profession. While this is certainly dissappointing, if I were them, I would have done the same. I'll be 26 when I'm eligible, and the average age of our graduating class was 26. Not a big deal. Anyway, I want to thank everybody who has known about this situation and has been sensitive to it. I plan on being in an MBA program in 2010 and walking with a JD/MBA by 2011. 27 with a JD/MBA and all skeletons exposed should be a good position. 

Anyway, random thoughts:

1) Baracks speech the night he "won" was one of the best speechs I can remember about anything. I think a switch turned on and he went from cool and collected to intense and fiery. 

2) This NBA finals is going to be spectacular. The Lakers are a more polished machine but Boston has more talent per five players. The only way the Celtics can win is with a lot of heart, and "heart" games are the best. See Golden State v Dallas, Boise State v Oklahoma, Giants v New England

3) Juno was pretty average. Its strange that a stripper can come off as a little pretentious and artistically elitist. 

4) I;d like to thank Dave and Jesse for getting me into MMA all of the sudden. I like boxing, but MMA is obviously more entertaining. The real difference is that any boxing match short of a heavyweight bout goes to decision after 30 minutes of jabs and grabbing. Im sorry, Delahoya fights just arent that interesting. Nor is felix trindad. However, MMA undercards have been consistently entertaining. For that matter, the women fight undercard of the Kimbo Slice hight was an incredible fight. Can you say you have seen a women's featherweight boxing undercard you have been interested in short of that one where the girl broke her neck?

5) The college lacrosse finals were actually kind of interesting. I am normally completely disinterested in fast action court games (soccer, hockey, rugby), but lacrosse has an interesting pace. 

6) I dont think I have ever disliked a reality show contestant more than Lisa of Top Chef this season. Her text dissaproval rating tonight was 92%. After that figure came in,  she complained to the two winning contestants that they didn't congradulate her for surviving (even after being on the chopping block for the last three episodes). As Richard put it, Wow, You got the Bronze!! What a cunt. The over under on the disapproval rating for next week should be 96%. 

7) Idea for bar owners: Two drink specials: 1) Barack O'Bomb: 1 can of red bull, 3/4 shot of godiva chocolate liqour, 1/4 godiva white chocolate liquor. 2) Dirty, lying cunt: a bloody mary with a tequilla floater. 

8) Dont ever go to Clifton Liquors in Edgemoor of Marsh Road. I read an article yesterday its been robbed 5 times in the last year, and that previous owner died of a gunshot wound. 

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