Tuesday, August 26, 2008

FF aftermath and musings

My new ffootball rankings:

1) Mike
2) Alyse
3 and 4) Kaufmann and Brian
5) Rodney
6) Me

I had a good draft but several injuries have made my team much worse on paper than it was. Bobby Engram, my surprise stud WR from last year, is out for 7 weeks. Cleveland's right guard is out for the year, therefore fucking Earnest Graham. Jerry Porter is gametime decision for the first game.

Mike looks really strong. Steven Jackson, Maurice J.D, Steve Smith, Garrard, Wittnen, and Cotchery makes him the team to beat. I give myself about a 30% chance to beat him in week one.

The beach this weekend is going to be nuts. Feel free to come down for a bit and check out the scene.

Congrats to Joe Biden for being our V.P, repping DE. I really didn't think Obama would take that kind of chance, since Biden has a history of running his mouth and his state is irrelevant, but I think it really reinforces Obama's idea campaign of running a principled campaign without political regard. On Bodog, Mitt Romney is a 2-3 favorite to be McCain's running mate; I think there is a good chance it'll be Tom Ridge though, a moderate who will secure PA.

BTW, can anybody explain to me why someone should vote for McCain? I mean that to contrast the popular and most frequently answered question, why not to vote for Obama. When I asked my parents why the would vote for McCain, they said because they don't trust OBama. Whenever McCain campaigns or makes a press release about the campaign, it is a knock on Obama. I haven't heard one argument from a McCain supporter why one should vote for McCain, only why one shouldn't vote for Obama. It seems to me that if that is the popular position, anti-Obama rather pro-McCain, the right thing to do for anti-Obamites is just to not vote unless they have a reasonable belief that McCain's policies and adminstration will affirmatively better for the country. Its quite intellectually and politically irresponsible otherwise.

Time for a little bragging. I took the GMAT last week and got a 710 (92% percentile). The average GMAT at Harvard is a 705. I studied for about 20 hours. It was quite a bit easier than the LSAT, but at the same time, law school conditioned me to take highly analytical, high pressure, three hour tests.

The problem is my character history on paper is poor. In reality, I have absolutely no remorse or guilt for any of the crimes I committed (with the exception of my DUI at 17). All of my transgressions were non-violent intoxicant related crimes against myself. While illegal, I dont believe for a minute that they were immoral. Most western nations other than the U.S would consider my "crimes" acceptable. Alcohol and marijuana use is not only socially acceptable in most western socieities but the real irony is that most of the people judging me are guilty of the same "crimes" but weren't caught.

Regardless (boo fucking hoo), the pros and cons here are:

Good Gmat score
Good law school grades

Bad character history
Average undergrad grades
Little work experience

Obviously the biggest obstacle is the character thing. If anybody has any clever ideas about the most painless and rewarding way to cure my character issues, or belongs to a volunteer or nonprofit group that needs help, let me know.

Rock Band= Awesome. While the guitar work is not nearly as fun as guitar hero, the group ethic is fucking awesome.

Book recommendation: Scott Turow's "Ultimate Punishment: A Lawyer's Reflections on Dealing with the Death Penalty". It is an incredibly insightful look at the complexities of the death penalty. Turow worked on a commission to suggest reforms for the Illinois Death Penalty, and had unlimited resources to create a broad picture of all of the considerations that go into creating a just, predictable, and consistent capital punishment policy. His basic conclusion was that while everybody has heard of crimes that scream for the death penalty, it is so unwieldy as a whole that it should be abolished.

Movie recommendation: The Counterfeiters. A nazi death camp French movie about Jewish counterfeiters who were forced to manufacture American dollars as a way to destro the American economy. Riveting.

Wish you saw it: Gold medal basketball game. A real classic. Spain played out of its mind and way above its means, but the U.S proved too talented. There is no question now that we have the best basketball players in the world (if there ever was one). I also think we have the bess athletes in the world, regardless of the golf medal count. Shooting and ping pong gold medals don't mean shit.

Article of the week:

Bush Told To Sign Birthday Treaty For Someone Named 'Kyoto'

WASHINGTON—Enlisted by members of the House and Senate, presidential aide Rebecca Tandy brought a copy of the international climate-change treaty to President Bush's desk Monday and asked him to sign a birthday document for a Japanese dignitary named "Kyoto Protocol." "Mr. Protocol really likes treaties, so we got him this treaty instead of a card, so if you could just—all the other countries have already signed it," a nervous Tandy reportedly said to Bush, who quickly scrawled his signature on the treaty and told her to tell Kyoto he said "hi." "And now, if you could just initial here, and here, and here, and, oh, you can ignore all that stuff about sulfides. That's just an inside joke." House Speaker Nancy Pelosi later attempted to get Bush to sign a "bar mitzvah stop-use agreement" for the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Clusterbomb.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympics, Fantasy Football, and Dewey

Dewey has been quite exhausting recently. The constant ebb and flow of friends coming to the beach is better than being lonely but can take a considerable toll on your body if just from the drinking. The way we describe it, and this not meant to be targeted, is that whenever people come to visit its "their weekend". By that I don't mean that they require being the center of attention or are being selfish in anyway, but I mean that they are full of saved up alcoholic energy which tends to be infectious. After say three groups of people come down over a week or weekend, each with their own agenda, we (and by we I mean the housemates) end up putting in more hours socializing and boozing then we probably should. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing; you only live once, but at the same time, it is very difficult to focus, particularly in a transition period that I and everyone else in the house is facing with various career goals and changes from the previous status quo. Its definitely a signal I've been going too hard if I'm yearning for some kind of productivity.

The summer has so far been a success. We have a good blend of roommates with relatively limited drama. Most of the drama has come from fairly predicatble situations (relationships + off schedules + alcohol). All of our friends who have come down have been generally generous and low maintenance, with a few glaring exceptions. Molly's going away boat was in her words "fucking awesome" and some of the June weekends were memorable.

Random thoughts:

1) The Brett Farve Saga has been absolutely disgusting. Shame on ESPN for perpetuating this bullshit. This whole thing has really left a bad taste in my mouth about following the ESPN "soap opera" wagon.

Last year, when I drove every day to Harrisburg with only FM and AM (Alyse had the Sirius) and I listened to ESPN radio consistently, I realized how incredibly predicatble and formulated the ESPN machine is. Every news program on ESPN is almost perfectly coordinated to have a day-rank of 5 stories and shove them down your throat via every medium possible. Next time you watch Around the Horn, check the first five stories on PTI, the first five links on ESPN.COM, the stories Jim Rome is "burning on", and what is being discussed by Tirico or Mike and Mike on the radio. All the same. Not only are they only the same, but they often pitch the exact same perspective. The Farve thing was the worst example. Its a monopoly of poor commerical sports journalism. The only guy I still respect there is Bill Simmons

2) . .. . which leads into my next point, that the Olympics is really pretty refreshing. Real sports fans can appreciate the pure competitiveness of "off sports" like tennis (See Nadal/Federer Wimeldon), golf (Tiger at the U.S Open), swimming (Phelps), and even stuff like volleyball and MMA. Its so much more interesting than Farve's text messages or Pacman's new name (Adam!).

3) I've gotten into books on tape recently as my Sirius broke and I was bored driving for work. I've gotten through 1984, Don Quixote, The Old Man and the Sea, and My Life (Clinton's autobiography).

1984: Absolute must read, entertaining to read and more intellectually stimulating and political than Atlas Shrugged. Can't believe i was never required to read this in high school.

Don Quixote: Cultural artifact thats amusing if not relevant

The Old Man and the Sea: Beautiful book thats whimisal, non important, but generally pleasant to listen to.

My Life: Fascinating. Must read/hear. Regardless of how you feel about him its a very revealing recap of the most important events of the 90's.

4) Common social wisdom dictates that really hot girls are not nice and uglier, bigger girls are nice and have good personalities out of necessity. I think this is in fact total bullshit.

5) I'm really pretty excited for fantasy football. If your reading this your probably in the league. My preseason playoff 6 picks:

1) Me
2) My brother
3) Brock
4) Ari
5) Rodney or Brian but not both
6) Blayze

7) Republicans really make me fucking sick. Not the identity or political preference but the political campaign inner circle itself (Newt, DeLay, Bush, Rove) . Hearing about some of the travesties during the Clinton era of Republican moral politics in his autobiography and experiencing how the current campaign is being conducted is reprehensible. How can Obama be blamed for going to repair foreign relations in his European tour? The only logical progression would be a video of Obama saving a baby and making a three pointer and then ending with "OBAMA: HE'S BLACK!".

Come visit Labor Day weekend.