Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I'm politically moving to Canada

First, sports:
1) Who would have thought New Orleans was for real? I'm not a Chris Paul fan but damn. Even though I have SA v Dal in the next round, I would really like to see Nash match up (somehow) with NO in the next round
2) Utah looks like they are going to give LA a big run. Def best series of playoffs.
3) Go Sixers? If Philly can win two at home and go up 3-1, there's certainly a good chance they could beat the Pistons in Game 6, although I think they have no way of matching up with Orlando anyway
4) Houston needs to trade for a big man this off season. Like a Dampier or Haywood.
5) Washington? HA!

More importantly:

I have never been too interested in politics. Today is the only day I have ever emotionally reacted to a change in the political landscape in American. I have lived in Bumblefuck, PA for the last two months and have been inundated with the Democratic primary here since it became strangely relevant.
When the democratic primary began, I slightly leaned towards Hillary as an electable alternative to any Republican who would continue this mess of an administration. Today, I can honestly say that I am thoroughly embarrassed to live around people who honestly though Hillary Clinton deserved a nod to be the next president. The level of unethical bullshit that she has pulled, ranging from lies to barely guised racism, is extraordinary.

The only three reasons I can think of why anyone could somehow overlook her incredible negativity and unprofessionalism and support her are:

1) She has more experience than Barack

Experience in what? Lingering around 20 years of Bush-Clinton-Clinton-Bush-Bush-Clinton!!!!. Does anybody honestly think that anything will meaningfully change in this country if she is elected? Same senate, same politics, same negativity, same bullshit reform promises, same cronies. By voting for her you either 1) naively believe that she somehow has the courage to cut ties with old politics and shake things up, 2) think the country is fine the way it is, or 3) realize huge material flaws in American political culture but are too scared of change. Remember, 2o years of experience as a high level executive in a company that is culturally and economically collapsing as a result of adherence to groupthink may not be better than taking a chance on someone with obvious talent and unassailed character.

2) Barack's name is Hussein Obama/He's black/He's a closet muslim/He likes Louis Farrakhan/He doesn't wear flag pins/He has cooties

I think this is the vote that shaped the election today. And this is why I am politically moving to Canada if Hillary is the democratic nominee. If she becomes the democratic nominee on these terms, I am deeply embarrassed for those people who buy into this shit, and I am embarrassed to be any part of a political machine that would allow this type of behavior to be publicized or even in some cases lauded. No more political anything, ever again.

3) Her policies are awesome

HA! Wait, the merits? Instead of exit polls asking people whether a comment in San Francisco affected their opinion of the candidates, I would love to ask some 40 year old trucker from Lancaster what he thinks about Hillary's stance on health care reform is compared to Obama's.

Campaign so far:
H: You embarrassed me by fucking that intern, you better get me elected.
B: How I am I going to get you elected? You're not electable. You're part of the same mess everybody is tired of now, plus you obviously don't have a backbone or you would have divorced me after 6 billion people found out I liked a chubby intern more than your Senatorial self.
H: You owe me motherfucker. Go on some speaking tours, round up some money, and use your connections to get me to the right people
B: I guess if you got elected I would be a first man. I could just hang out in the Presidential Library (chuckle)
H: Yeah plus if we were both president we would have so much networking capital at the end of my term we could do whatever we wanted the rest of our lives
B: Shit girl you're already a Senator, and I was a president, do you need more power?
H: I'll be damned if some brother from Illinois is going to rain on my parade. Round up the troops. Get me some dirt. If you say stuff that I can't but is still effective negativity, and I get some cold blooded staffers to try to stroke the xenophobic, slightly racist core of most of the middle-class, I think I have a shot
B: You know you are like 95% fucked on paper right? You would have to win the next two states 100-0 to catch up?
H: I don't care. Fuck this dude. Shit, if McCain gets elected, at least I'll still have some friends in big places. You think Barack will throw me a dime after the shit I pulled?
B: True. I guess when you lose, you can still write a book about "your struggle", and be some kind of American feminist hero for being so tenacious.
H: Yeah. That would definitely even me out after looking like such a pussy when you cheated on me.

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