Friday, January 29, 2010

Quick- hit thought (Peter King fan?)

Im just going to put it out there: If I'm trying to jerk off watching internet porn, I'll go to YouJizz or Redtube, see whats most appealing for the day, almost like a Korean fish market, go at it, and the go back and look to see how many stars it got. 5 stars, I know I have good flash jerk-off judgement. Anything less than 4.5 stars, I start to question if I'm a pervert.

I promise I'll put something up more substantial later but I have to think other people do this.

Also, on a 1-10 liberal scale, from 1 being Buddha and 10 being Oral Roberts, I'm about a 2 when it comes to moral relativism and freedom to have access to competing ideas. That being said, who cares if James Dobson pays to put Tebow in an abortion ad during the Superbowl. If anything, I encourage it. The more they put firmly backed Christian values on T.V, the less the fundamentalists can make the argument that content-based censorship can or should exist in this country. You can't back Stern and Carlin and porn and then call foul when James Dobson does this shit.