Thursday, September 4, 2008

Damn right and picks of the week

From today's NYT following Palin's "you have cooties" speech last night at the DNC:

Three days into the Republican National Convention, it is clear that the G.O.P. has settled on a message: “Washington is not working.” The phrase is included in virtually every speech and every statement in St Paul.

We agree completely that Washington is in desperate need of renewal and reform. We’re not even going to quibble about the fact that Barack Obama said it first. The problem is that American voters have yet to hear — from John McCain or his warm-up acts — any serious ideas on what, exactly, is wrong with Washington, apart from the fact that a Democrat might win the White House, never mind how to truly fix it.

The difficulty for the Republican ticket in talking about change and reform and acting like insurgents is that they have been running Washington — the White House and Congress — for most of the last eight years.

Sarah Palin, the vice presidential nominee, was a combative and witty relief at a torpid convention. But it was bizarre hearing the running mate of a 26-year veteran of Congress, a woman who was picked to placate the right-wing elite, mocking “the permanent political establishment in Washington.”

And we couldn’t imagine what Mitt Romney was thinking when he denounced “liberal Washington” and then, at the convention of the party that brought you unimpeded presidential spying, declared: “It’s time for the party of big ideas, not the party of Big Brother!”

As hard as he tries, Mr. McCain cannot escape the burdensome shadow of President Bush because his policies offer no real change. On the all-important issue of the economy, Mr. McCain has no prescription for ending the mortgage-driven crisis or for fixing the huge fiscal problems Mr. Bush has bequeathed the nation. He wants to make even deeper cuts in corporate taxes, eliminate the alternative minimum income tax and make permanent the Bush tax cuts that vastly favor the wealthy and that he once correctly opposed.

His only idea for balancing the budget seems to be controlling earmarks, which Republicans now denounce with the sort of single-minded fervor they used to reserve for Democratic-appointed judges.

Permanently extending the tax cuts would reduce tax revenue by $1 trillion over four years. If Mr. McCain eliminated every earmark (including money for the gas pipeline that Ms. Palin wants to build in Alaska), the savings would total about $18 billion a year. He hasn’t offered any idea of where he’ll get the rest of the money.

He has not explained how he plans to rein in out-of-control financial firms and avoid a repeat of the mortgage disaster. Mr. Bush’s ideological opposition to sound government regulation is in large measure to blame for the economic crisis, but when Mr. McCain talks about fixing Washington, that subject never comes up.

Mr. McCain also has yet to explain to voters how he intends to go on paying for the war in Iraq — and also fix a dangerously stretched and overburdened military. Mr. McCain talks about energy independence. But his primary solution is not a solution: drilling and more drilling.

Mr. McCain says he is the candidate who will better protect the country from terrorism. But about all he has to offer is his pledge to continue the war in Iraq. We have yet to hear an explanation for how he plans to do that while also salvaging the war in Afghanistan — the real front line in the war against Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Now that everyone agrees that Washington needs fixing, we hope Mr. McCain will offer more than partisan boilerplate when he addresses the convention on Thursday night.

Picks of the week, all of whom are suprisingly favorites:

NYG +4.5 over WAS: Not sold on Jason Campbell or Washington yet. Not until they can show consistancy. And you better believe that Eli and the gang are going to be fired up at the Meadowlands after all the press shit talking about them in the offseason.

Steelers +6.5 over the Texans: I have heard all kinds of reasons why the Texans will cover this spread, counterintuitively. Well, I'm going to use my intuition. The Texans suck. And Pittsburgh is good, especially in the beginning of the season when they aren't all banged up from the physical football they play. I don't see the Texans scoring more than 10 points in this game.

Eagles +7.5 over Rams: See above. Rams suck.

Detroit +3 over Atlanta. See above. Falcons suck.

Jets +3 over Miami. See above. Miami sucks.

Vikings +2.5 on MNF against the Packers. I know its Lambeau and Roger's will be fired up, but until Rodgers shows me anything, there is no reason to believe Minnesota won't just play a "bruise and run" game and control the football the whole time. Almost like a control deck in Magic against a deck predicated on some big, fancy new card thats tough to integrate the first time playing.

I have my phone back btw.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Have people lost their fucking minds? Beyond all the other reasons to abhor the republicans right now, what happens if McCain dies (72)? Is Ms. Housemom from Alaska going to deal with tough foreign policy issues with Iran, China, and Russia? Could she stare down Putin at the G8? What the fuck are 48 percent of America thinking? Is latent racism really that widespread? I really mean it at this point that if the republicans get elected, I'm getting an MBA in Canada and just moving to Vancouver. No kidding. And I'm staying there. Fuck this bullshit.